Μερικοί από τους καλύτερους funk και soul μουσικούς του Καναδά, είπαν να μαζευτούν και να δημιουργήσουν τους Ron Littlejohn & The Funk Embassy χαρίζοντας στον κόσμο, και στον ραδιοφωνικό μας αέρα, μερικά εκπληκτικά δείγματα του groove τους. Η πρώτη τους δουλειά τιτλοφορείται 'Shining On' και κυκλοφορεί μέσα από το δικό τους label που φέρει το όνομά τους και περιλαμβάνει οκτώ tracks, το καθένα κι από μια ξεχωριστή στάση σε soul, funk, jazz, motown, hiphop, rnb και κάθε συνδυασμό αυτών. Εμείς βρήκαμε σίγουρα νέο, αγαπημένο σχήμα στις μουσικές αυτές. Αν το 'Seems Like Yesterday' σας ψήνει, αγοράζετε το άλμπουμ τους εδώ, εδώ ή εδώ.
Some of Canada's finest funk and soul musicians decided to team up and form Ron Littlejohn & The Funk Embassy, handing out some excellent grooves to the people, as well as our broadcast air. Their debut work, through their own self-titled label, is titled 'Shining On' and consists of eight tracks, each and every one of them acting as an homage to all things soul, funk, jazz, motown, hiphop, rnb or any combination of the above. We feel like we've surely found a new favorite band, of that kind. If 'Seems Like Yesterday' speaks as loudly to you, you can order 'Shining On' here, here or here.
Some of Canada's finest funk and soul musicians decided to team up and form Ron Littlejohn & The Funk Embassy, handing out some excellent grooves to the people, as well as our broadcast air. Their debut work, through their own self-titled label, is titled 'Shining On' and consists of eight tracks, each and every one of them acting as an homage to all things soul, funk, jazz, motown, hiphop, rnb or any combination of the above. We feel like we've surely found a new favorite band, of that kind. If 'Seems Like Yesterday' speaks as loudly to you, you can order 'Shining On' here, here or here.