Τον Devonté "Dev" Hynes, ή αλλιώς Lightspeed Champion, ή αλλιώς Blood Orange τον έχεις ακουστά, είτε το γνωρίζεις, είτε όχι. Ο 28χρονος παραγωγός, στιχουργός, τραγουδιστής, συγγραφέας και συνθέτης, εκτός του ότι κάνει τους υπόλοιπους από εμάς να μοιάζουμε απελπιστικά τεμπέληδες, έχει συνεργαστεί ή/και γράψει κομμάτια για ονόματα όπως Florence + The Machine, Britney Spears, Solange, The Chemical Brothers κ.ά. Κάπου ανάμεσα σε όλες τις παραπάνω δραστηριότητες, κατάφερε και βρήκε χρόνο να ολοκληρώσει το δεύτερο άλμπουμ του, μετά το 'Coastal Grooves' του 2011, με τίτλο 'Cupid Deluxe' υπό την ομπρέλα της Domino Records. Το τελευταίο κομμάτι από τα 11 του άλμπουμ, είναι το νοσταλγικό και Prince-οειδές με την καλύτερη έννοια, 'Time Will Tell', το οποίο είναι και το δεύτερο που οπτικοποιείται από το άλμπουμ, μετά το 'Chamakay'. Ο Βρετανός το παίρνει κυριολεκτικά πάνω του, προσφέροντας μια τελείως DYI δημιουργία που του πήρε, λέει, 15 λεπτά να την ολοκληρώσει. Bonus: Μια 7λεπτη συνέντευξη-promo στην αρκετά βαριεστημένη φίλη του, Karley Slutever.
Devonté "Dev" Hynes, also known as Lightspeed Champion, also known as Blood Orange, is known to you whether you are aware of it or not. The 28yo producer, songwriter, singer, author and composer, besides the fact that he makes any of us commoners look like a bunch of lazy no-gooders, has worked with/on Florence + The Machine, Britney Spears, Solange, The Chemical Brothers and more. Somehow though, he still managed to find time to produce his second album 'Cupid Deluxe', after 2011's 'Coastal Grooves', via Domino Records. It contains 11 tracks, last one being 'Time Will Tell', which is pretty nostalgic and Prince-like, in a really good way. It's the second video of the album after 'Chamakay'. Hynes's got this covered, going totally DYI on the video he claims to have completed in 15 minutes. Bonus: a 7min promo interview for his pretty bored looking friend Karley Slutever.
Devonté "Dev" Hynes, also known as Lightspeed Champion, also known as Blood Orange, is known to you whether you are aware of it or not. The 28yo producer, songwriter, singer, author and composer, besides the fact that he makes any of us commoners look like a bunch of lazy no-gooders, has worked with/on Florence + The Machine, Britney Spears, Solange, The Chemical Brothers and more. Somehow though, he still managed to find time to produce his second album 'Cupid Deluxe', after 2011's 'Coastal Grooves', via Domino Records. It contains 11 tracks, last one being 'Time Will Tell', which is pretty nostalgic and Prince-like, in a really good way. It's the second video of the album after 'Chamakay'. Hynes's got this covered, going totally DYI on the video he claims to have completed in 15 minutes. Bonus: a 7min promo interview for his pretty bored looking friend Karley Slutever.