Η γοητεία της μουσικής έγκειται, κατά ένα μέρος, στο πως μια λούπα, ή ένα sample, μπορούν να ταξιδέψουν ολόκληρες δεκαετίες περνώντας από διαφορετικά χέρια και αυτιά, με αποτέλεσμα στο τέλος να ακούγονται τόσο διαφορετικά και τόσο οικεία συγχρόνως. Ο Pat Grossi, ή αλλιώς Active Child, γνωρίζει πολύ καλά πως να παίζει με νοσταλγικά themes. Μετά την κυκλοφορία του τελευταίου του EP 'Rapor', στο οποίο συνεργάστηκε με τους Mikky Ekko και Ellie Goulding, ο Αμερικανός ανέβασε στη σελίδα του στο Soundcloud, το 'Takes Me Back'. Το track είναι χτισμένο πάνω στο instrumental μέρος του 'Until The End Of Time' του Tupac, το οποίο με τη σειρά του προήρθε από το 'Broken Wings' των Mr. Mister. Δυστυχώς, διαρκεί μόνο 03:37.
One of music's strong points is the fact that a sample can travel throughout decades, be handed down (not always the case) from artist to artist, and end up being familiar and totally different at the same time. Pat Grossi, also known as Active Child, knows well enough how to manage nostalgic themes in his work. After his latest EP, 'Rapor', in which he worked with Mikky Ekko and Ellie Goulding, the American producer presented us with 'Takes Me Back' via his Soundcloud page. The track is based upon the instrumental part of Tupac's 'Until The End Of Time' which in turn is based on Mr. Mister's 'Broken Wings'. Sadly, it only lasts for 03:37.
One of music's strong points is the fact that a sample can travel throughout decades, be handed down (not always the case) from artist to artist, and end up being familiar and totally different at the same time. Pat Grossi, also known as Active Child, knows well enough how to manage nostalgic themes in his work. After his latest EP, 'Rapor', in which he worked with Mikky Ekko and Ellie Goulding, the American producer presented us with 'Takes Me Back' via his Soundcloud page. The track is based upon the instrumental part of Tupac's 'Until The End Of Time' which in turn is based on Mr. Mister's 'Broken Wings'. Sadly, it only lasts for 03:37.