"Κάποιες φορές δημιουργείς ένα άλμπουμ που αλλάζει τα πάντα. Το 'The Entirety Of Matter' περιέχει όλη μου την αγάπη κι αυτό το κάνει ξεχωριστό. Ίσως είναι η πιο αγνή μου δουλειά μέχρι τώρα". Αυτή είναι η δήλωση του αγαπημένου και πολυάσχολου Christophe Hoeffel, ή αλλιώς Kris Menace. Μετά την περσινή κυκλοφορία του 'Features' ο Γερμανός παραγωγός απομακρύνεται λίγο από τα disco μονοπάτια του και καταπιάνεται με τα retro synths. Και καταλαβαίνεις πόσο μας τρελαίνει αυτό. Το 'The Only Constant Thing Is Change' αποτελεί μάρτυρα της παραπάνω δηλωσής του και μια καινούρια εμμονή για τα αυτιά μας. To 'The Entirety Of Matter' κυκλοφορεί από την Compuphonic και το παραγγέλνεις εδώ.
"Every once in a while an album comes along which changes everything…. I have put all my love into "The Entirety Of Matter" to make this something very special - possibly the most outstanding, unique and maybe the purest album I’ve ever made". These are the words Christophe Hoeffel, our beloved Kris Menace, used to describe his new album. After last year's 'Features' the very busy German producer, seems to step a bit outside his comfort disco zone and dives into retro synths. And you know how crazy that makes us feel. 'The Only Constant Thing Is Change' is a true testament to his stamement above, and our new obsession. 'The Entirety Of Matter' is out via Compuphonic and you can order it here.
"Every once in a while an album comes along which changes everything…. I have put all my love into "The Entirety Of Matter" to make this something very special - possibly the most outstanding, unique and maybe the purest album I’ve ever made". These are the words Christophe Hoeffel, our beloved Kris Menace, used to describe his new album. After last year's 'Features' the very busy German producer, seems to step a bit outside his comfort disco zone and dives into retro synths. And you know how crazy that makes us feel. 'The Only Constant Thing Is Change' is a true testament to his stamement above, and our new obsession. 'The Entirety Of Matter' is out via Compuphonic and you can order it here.