Έτσι όπως τρέχει η μουσική τα τελευταία χρόνια, είναι τρομερά δύσκολο και χρονοβόρο να ξεχωρίσεις με σιγουριά ποιοι από τους καλλιτέχνες που μας βομβαρδίζουν ήρθαν για να μείνουν και ποιοι όχι. Στην περίπτωση της Charlotte Oc μάλλον ισχύει το πρώτο, καθώς μιλάμε για το ολοκληρωμένο πακέτο. Νεαρό ηλικίας, φωνή και εμφάνιση. Το 'Colour My Heart' είναι το πρώτο της ΕΡ και πρόκειται για μια σφιχτότατα δομημένη pop παραγωγή που όσο περνάει ο καιρός θα κερδίζει όλο και περισσότερη προσοχή. Κι αν δεν το κάνει με αυτό το ΕΡ, θα το κάνει σίγουρα. Άκουσέ το ολόκληρο παρακάτω καθώς εμείς διαλέγουμε για σήμερα το 'Hangover'.
The way today's music feed is speeding it's terribly hard and time consuming for one to point out with certainty who of the countless artists that keep emerging is here to stay and who is just passing by. In the case of Charlotte Oc it's probably the former since she's got 'the package'. Young at age, a great voice and the look to go with it. 'Colour My Heart' is her first EP and it's a really solid pop production that will gain more hype as the time goes by. And if she doesn't make it with this one, she will definately make it either way. Listen to the whole EP below, as we've chosen 'Hangover' for today.
The way today's music feed is speeding it's terribly hard and time consuming for one to point out with certainty who of the countless artists that keep emerging is here to stay and who is just passing by. In the case of Charlotte Oc it's probably the former since she's got 'the package'. Young at age, a great voice and the look to go with it. 'Colour My Heart' is her first EP and it's a really solid pop production that will gain more hype as the time goes by. And if she doesn't make it with this one, she will definately make it either way. Listen to the whole EP below, as we've chosen 'Hangover' for today.