O DJ Inko, κατ' αρχάς, είναι ο φίλος μας ο Κωστής. Κατά δεύτερον, μετράει δώδεκα χρόνια ενασχόλησης με σχεδόν οτιδήποτε μουσικό, από το βιολί μέχρι την techno. Τα τελευταία χρόνια ο Θεσσαλονικιός παραγωγός και remixer προσφέρει απλόχερα τα rap/funk/soul/latin/bossa/hiphop καλούδια του, μέσα από τη σελίδα του στο Soundcloud, συχνά-πυκνά και σε δωρεάν download. Πέρσυ, όταν είχε κυκλοφορήσει το "DJ Inko's Sample Crates", μας είχε κάνει την τιμή να το υποστηρίξουμε. Φέτος, κάτι μας λέει πως θα χρειαστούμε τα grooves του καθώς αρχίσει να φτιάχνει ο καιρός. Πριν από μερικούς μήνες έπιασε στα χέρια του το "Soul Kitchen" των Doors. Την προηγούμενη Παρασκευή είχε περάσει βόλτα από το "It's Friday Night". Το ρομάντζο αναζωογονήθηκε και το αποτέλεσμα ήταν μοιραίο. Το κατεβάζεις με αντίτιμο ένα "Like" στη σελίδα του στο Facebook.
DJ Inko is, fist of all, our dear friend Kostis. Secondly he is the guy that's been into anything musical for the past 12 years, from violin and harmony studies to techno and rap. Out of his Soundcloud stronghold he's been sharing his funk/soul/latin/bossa/hiphop treats, often for free. Last year he honored us with letting us support his "DJ Inko's Sample Crates" and something's telling us that we might be in need of his grooves once spring starts to set in. About a few months ago he decided to fool around with The Doors' "Soul Kitchen", and last Friday he visited us οn "It's Friday Night". The spark is back in the romance and the result was inevitable. Download it for the price of liking his Facebook page.
DJ Inko is, fist of all, our dear friend Kostis. Secondly he is the guy that's been into anything musical for the past 12 years, from violin and harmony studies to techno and rap. Out of his Soundcloud stronghold he's been sharing his funk/soul/latin/bossa/hiphop treats, often for free. Last year he honored us with letting us support his "DJ Inko's Sample Crates" and something's telling us that we might be in need of his grooves once spring starts to set in. About a few months ago he decided to fool around with The Doors' "Soul Kitchen", and last Friday he visited us οn "It's Friday Night". The spark is back in the romance and the result was inevitable. Download it for the price of liking his Facebook page.