Σήμερα γνωρίζουμε τους Vaults. Βασικά, η αλήθεια είναι πως δεν τους γνωρίζουμε και πολύ καλά, μιας και οι πληροφορίες που αφορούν στο ποιοι, πώς, πού κλπ είναι ελάχιστες. Πάντως, με το περσινό 'Cry No More' και το σημερινό 'Premonitions' που ακούς παρακάτω, πιάνουμε ένα πολύ δυνατό Kate Bush-ικό vibe από το λονδρέζικο τρίο και τους χαρίζουμε απλόχερα χρόνο στον αέρα μας.
Today we get to know Vaults. Well, to be honest we don't actually get to really know them since we aren't able to answer the who, how, where etc., cause the info concerning the London trio is limited. What we do know though, is that, with their last year's 'Cry No More' and today's 'Premonition' we get a really strong Kate Bush-y vibe and we gladly open our radio air to them.
Today we get to know Vaults. Well, to be honest we don't actually get to really know them since we aren't able to answer the who, how, where etc., cause the info concerning the London trio is limited. What we do know though, is that, with their last year's 'Cry No More' and today's 'Premonition' we get a really strong Kate Bush-y vibe and we gladly open our radio air to them.