H Sarah Marshall, ή αλλιώς Shoot The Ghost, κυκλοφόρησε το πρώτο της track, 'So Cold', το 2012 υπό την Madtech Records του Keri Chandler, και μόλις πριν από λίγες ημέρες έκανε το δεύτερό της βήμα, αυτή τη φορά κάτω από τη στέγη της Purp & Soul του Ben Pearce. To 'Demons' αποτελεί την 8η κυκλοφορία της δισκογραφικής του βρετανού, και περιλαμβάνει remixes από τον ίδιο, 2nd Sun, Dan Styles και Unknown καθώς κι ένα αρκετό πιο επιθετικό b-side, το 'Hounded'.
Sharah Marshall, otherwise known as Shoot The Ghost, released her first track called 'So Cold', a year ago under Keri Chandler's Madtech Records, and it was just two days ago that she made her follow up step via Ben Pearce's Purp & Soul. 'Demons' is P&S's 8th release and comes with remixes by the likes of 2nd Sun, Dan Styles and Unknown, as well as a much fiercer b-side, 'Hounded'.
Sharah Marshall, otherwise known as Shoot The Ghost, released her first track called 'So Cold', a year ago under Keri Chandler's Madtech Records, and it was just two days ago that she made her follow up step via Ben Pearce's Purp & Soul. 'Demons' is P&S's 8th release and comes with remixes by the likes of 2nd Sun, Dan Styles and Unknown, as well as a much fiercer b-side, 'Hounded'.