Η αγάπη που έχουμε δείξει στους CHVRCHES δεν είναι δα και κάνα μεγάλο μυστικό, καθώς είχαμε ποντάρει στους Σκωτσέζους από το πρώτο άκουσμα του 'The Mother We Share'. Πριν από ένα μήνα, η αφοσίωσή μας ανταμείφθηκε και με το παραπάνω, με το ε-ξ-α-ι-ρ-ε-τ-ι-κ-ό ντεμπούτο τους άλμπουμ, 'The Bones of What You Believe'. Εμείς στον Biscuit, δεν καταφέραμε να ξεχωρίσουμε κάποιο κομμάτι, οπότε στην τύχη, αλλά όχι τυχαία, επιλέγουμε για σήμερα το 'Tether'.
The love we have for CHVRCHES is no big secret, specially when one considers that we 've had our ears focused on them ever since we first listened to 'The Mother We Share'. About a month ago, our commitment to the Scottish band was rewarded handsomely by the release of their e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t debut album, 'The Bones of What You Believe'. We here, at Biscuit Radio, found it almost impossible to single out a favorite track, so we randomly, but not casually, choose 'Tether'.
The love we have for CHVRCHES is no big secret, specially when one considers that we 've had our ears focused on them ever since we first listened to 'The Mother We Share'. About a month ago, our commitment to the Scottish band was rewarded handsomely by the release of their e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t debut album, 'The Bones of What You Believe'. We here, at Biscuit Radio, found it almost impossible to single out a favorite track, so we randomly, but not casually, choose 'Tether'.