Σήμερα προχωράμε βόρεια και προτείνουμε μια συνεργασία δύο αγαπημένων Ολλανδών καλλιτεχνών. Οι Kraak & Smaak ακόμα απολαμβάνουν την αναγνώριση της τελευταίας τους δουλειάς 'Chrome Waves' και προκειμένου να φρεσκάρουν μερικά tracks από το άλμπουμ, άρχισαν το χορό των remixes. Ο Moods είναι ένας τρομερότατος beatmaker και πολύ καλά θα κάνεις να τον ψάξεις αν δεν το έχεις κάνει ήδη. Ανέλαβε λοιπόν το 'Don't Let People' των συμπατριωτών του και ιδού το αποτέλεσμα.
Today we head north to a collaboration between two favorite Dutch artists. Kraak & Smaak still seem to enjoy the recognition of their latest album 'Chrome Waves' and in order to fresh things up a bit, they started handing out some remix duties. Moods is an excellent beatmaker that you should definately check out if you haven't already. He took up his countrymen's 'Don't Let People' and here's the lovely result.
Today we head north to a collaboration between two favorite Dutch artists. Kraak & Smaak still seem to enjoy the recognition of their latest album 'Chrome Waves' and in order to fresh things up a bit, they started handing out some remix duties. Moods is an excellent beatmaker that you should definately check out if you haven't already. He took up his countrymen's 'Don't Let People' and here's the lovely result.