Μα τι όμορφα νέα! Γνωρίστε τη Σtella και τον Αλέξη. Οι Αθηναίοι Fever Kids γράφουν μαζί μουσική από το 2011 και μόλις εχθές η δισκογραφική τους Inner Ear Records δημοσίευσε στη σελίδα της στο Soundcloud το πρώτο ευρύτερο δείγμα της δουλειάς τους. Η πρώτη τους επίσημη κυκλοφορία είναι το 7'' "Holding Grass", που περιέχει το ομότιτλο track και το b-side "Peter, Debbie, Mary" και τα δύο σε δική τους παραγωγή. Το "Holding Grass" δε μπορούμε να σταματήσουμε να το ακούμε.
How wonderful news! Meet Fever Kids, Σtella and Alex. The Athens-based duo has been producing it's own dreamy pop since 2011 and yesterday was the day that their label, Inner Ear Records, presented us with their first official release via Soundcloud. Their debut "Holding Grass" comes in a 7'' release with "Peter, Debbie, Mary" as b-side. We simply cannot stop listening to "Holding Grass".
How wonderful news! Meet Fever Kids, Σtella and Alex. The Athens-based duo has been producing it's own dreamy pop since 2011 and yesterday was the day that their label, Inner Ear Records, presented us with their first official release via Soundcloud. Their debut "Holding Grass" comes in a 7'' release with "Peter, Debbie, Mary" as b-side. We simply cannot stop listening to "Holding Grass".