Για τους Disclosure, τα singles, τις συνεργασίες, τα remixes και το "Settle" έχουμε μιλήσει πολλές φορές. Τα αδέρφια από το Surrey έχουν φτάσει μέχρι την άλλη άκρη του Ατλαντικού με υποψηφιότητα στα Grammy για καλύτερο ηλεκτρονικό/dance άλμπουμ, μετράνε τέσσερις υποψηφιότητες για τα Brit Awards και φαίνονται αποφασισμένοι να κατακτήσουν τον κόσμο. Εμάς μας αρέσουν γιατί ακούγονται μόνο μέσω της μουσικής τους, κι επειδή κουβαλάνε, με σχετική ταπεινότητα, κάτι το "oldschool". Το "F For You" δεν είναι καινούριο track, αλλά στην έκδοσή του στο "Settle" δεν απολαμβάνεις τη συμμετοχή της Mary J. Blige. Η συνεργασία των δύο δίνει prestige και ακόμα μεγαλύτερο πάτημα στο αμερικάνικο κοινό στους Βρετανούς, και ακόμα περισσότερο θαυμασμό στη Mary J. Blige που δείχνει πως το 'χει ακόμα. Γκρουβάρουμε.
We've already talked about Disclosure's singles, collabs, remixes and "Settle" itself. The Surrey-born brothers have travelled across the Atlantic, snatching a Grammy nomination for best dance/electronic album, they got four nominations at the Brit Awards and they seem ready to take over the world. We like listening to them because, firstly we only do so through their music and not some kind of hypey gossip, and secondly because they sound relatively oldschool in a humble, respective way. "F For You" may not be a new track, but in the "Settle" version we didn't have the chance to enjoy Mary J. Blige's vocals. Their collaboration offers some more prestige and a bigger crowd opening for the Brits in the US, and makes Mary J. Blige seem even more admirable. We're so grooving with this.
We've already talked about Disclosure's singles, collabs, remixes and "Settle" itself. The Surrey-born brothers have travelled across the Atlantic, snatching a Grammy nomination for best dance/electronic album, they got four nominations at the Brit Awards and they seem ready to take over the world. We like listening to them because, firstly we only do so through their music and not some kind of hypey gossip, and secondly because they sound relatively oldschool in a humble, respective way. "F For You" may not be a new track, but in the "Settle" version we didn't have the chance to enjoy Mary J. Blige's vocals. Their collaboration offers some more prestige and a bigger crowd opening for the Brits in the US, and makes Mary J. Blige seem even more admirable. We're so grooving with this.