O Erol Alkan κυκλοφορεί στα μουσικά δεδομένα εδώ και μία δεκαετία, σχεδόν πάντα ακροβατώντας στα όρια ανάμεσα στην ηλεκτρονική και την techno, την εμπορική και την indie σκηνή. Τρέχει το δικό του label, Phantasy Sound, και είναι γνωστός από τις πολυάριθμες παραγωγές του με τους Boyz Noize. Ήταν όμως μόλις πριν από μερικούς μήνες που ακούσαμε την πρώτη του προσωπική κυκλοφορία με το "Illumination" ΕΡ του. Το "A Hold On Love" τηρεί τις ισορροπίες στις οποίες τον έχουμε συνηθίσει όντας αρκετα αγνό για να ικανοποιήσει househeads και techheads, αλλά ικανό και με το παραπάνω για να απευθυνθεί σε ένα μεγαλύτερο κοινό. Αυτό που όμως μας κέρδισε περισσότερο, ήταν το υπέροχο video που το συνοδεύει.
Erol Alkanhas been strolling the music business for ten years now, most of the times balancing the doses between electronica and techno, mainstream and indie. He runs his own label, Phantasy Sound, and is known for his many collaborations with Boyz Noize. Yet, it was only a couple of months ago that we got to hear what his solo work sounds like with his "Illumination" EP. "A Hold On Love" keeps thoses balances we talked about, being pure enough to satisfy all kinds of househeads and techheads, but still has the potential to win a bigger audience. What we loved most though, was the beautiful video that comes with it.
Erol Alkanhas been strolling the music business for ten years now, most of the times balancing the doses between electronica and techno, mainstream and indie. He runs his own label, Phantasy Sound, and is known for his many collaborations with Boyz Noize. Yet, it was only a couple of months ago that we got to hear what his solo work sounds like with his "Illumination" EP. "A Hold On Love" keeps thoses balances we talked about, being pure enough to satisfy all kinds of househeads and techheads, but still has the potential to win a bigger audience. What we loved most though, was the beautiful video that comes with it.