22/04/2014: Movement - Ivory
Δεν πέρασε πολύ καιρός από τότε που οι Movement ήταν φιλοξενούμενοι εδώ, και μάλιστα, τότε ξέραμε πως θα μας επισκέπτονταν πάλι σύντομα. Ο λόγος ήταν πως δεν είχαμε ακούσει όλα τα tracks από το επερχόμενο ΕΡ που φέρει το όνομά τους. Σήμερα οι Αυστραλοί μάς παρουσίασαν το 'Ivory' όπου συνεχίζουν να μπλέκουν τις γραμμές ανάμεσα στην rnb και την electronica. To 'Movement' κυκλοφορεί στις 6 Μαΐου από την Modular.
It's not been long since we last hosted Movement in this section, and to be honest, we knew back then that they would be visiting again rather soon. The reason was that we hadn't still listened to all the track from their upcoming selftitled EP. Today the Australians present us with 'Ivory' in which they continue to merge rnb with electronica. 'Movement' is out May 6th via Modular.
It's not been long since we last hosted Movement in this section, and to be honest, we knew back then that they would be visiting again rather soon. The reason was that we hadn't still listened to all the track from their upcoming selftitled EP. Today the Australians present us with 'Ivory' in which they continue to merge rnb with electronica. 'Movement' is out May 6th via Modular.
19/03/2014: Basecamp - ATSW (Ace of Base Cover)

Σήμερα φιλοξενούμε ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα hits των 90s, το 'All That She Wants' των Ace of Base. Όχι, δεν το ρίξαμε στα flashbacks, αλλά είναι οι Αμερικανοί Basecamp αυτοί που το ξαναφέρνουν στο προσκήνιο, με ένα υπέροχο rnb cover στα βήματα της πολύ καλής τους δουλειάς μέχρι τώρα.
Today we're talking about one of the biggest hits of the 90s, Ace of Base's 'All That She Wants'. No, we're not going down the 'blast from the past' path, but it's Nashville's trio, Basecamp, that brought the track to life again, providing an excellent, slow burning rnb cover much like their rest great work so far.
Today we're talking about one of the biggest hits of the 90s, Ace of Base's 'All That She Wants'. No, we're not going down the 'blast from the past' path, but it's Nashville's trio, Basecamp, that brought the track to life again, providing an excellent, slow burning rnb cover much like their rest great work so far.
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